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The Shepherd's Place

My family and I have been involved in ministry for over 30 years in various parts of the United States.  Most recently we have been involved in children’s ministry at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go in northeast Tennessee.  We have experienced the many challenges and hardships of serving God through full-time ministry.  We have also realized that as hard as ministry can be here in the United States, it is even harder in other countries. 


Because of connections and experiences that we have with the Philippines, we realize that the pastors and teachers of the northern Philippines have an even more difficult time teaching the Truth of God’s Word and continuing to preach/teach long-term.  Pastors and teachers there are especially challenged as most don’t have any formal Bible training or resources to help them reach the many people around them with the Gospel. We believe that God wants to send us to the Philippines and establish a new ministry to help change this.


The main goal of this new ministry, the Shepherd’s Place in the Philippines, is to establish a Bible Institute to properly equip and encourage Filipino pastors and teachers through on-site traditional classes as well as independent correspondence studies ... anything we can do so that they can successfully reach their country for Jesus.  We will also work through the pastors and teachers to establish a Mailbox Bible Club and a camping program to reach school children and teens with the Gospel and teach them the Bible.

The Bryants


Kevin and Christine with our two youngest children, Grace and George, who will be going to the Philippines with us. 




Children's Bible Ministries, Inc.

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