The Shepherd's Place
What do we do at the Shepherd’s Place?
The Shepherd’s Place is a part of Children’s Bible Ministries that has been working since 1935 to bring Bible classes, lessons and camp to children and their families. Our sole focus has been to tell children and families that God loves them and that He has provided a way of salvation and abundant life through His son Jesus. Fast forward 85 years later and CBM is still dedicated to the same purpose of sharing the life-changing Gospel message with children and their families.
Everything you will find on this website is designed to tell you more about Jesus and how He can be your Good Shepherd. The lessons, games and challenges can be completed individually by your child or done together as a family for family devotions/during family time. Check back often for new lessons and videos. Always feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have.
How did we get our name?
Believe it or not, you will find shepherds on every continent of the world (except for Antartica where you will find ice, snow and penguins … but no shepherds). A shepherd has a very hard and important job taking care of his own group (or flock) of animals. Usually these animals are sheep or goats. Here we are going to talk about a sheep-tending shepherd.
Sheep are animals that have to have a shepherd because they can’t take care of themselves. A shepherd makes sure that his flock has everything that they need to live …. good food, clean water, protection from danger, medical care, etc. Even though a shepherd generally works out in the country away from lots of people, a shepherd’s job can be dangerous as he protects his flock from animals that would attack and harm them. He also protects the sheep from bad weather and unsafe surroundings like rushing water and rocky cliffs. He keeps them from wandering away from the rest of the flock and getting lost, hurt or eaten. Sheep need a good shepherd in order to survive and thrive.
In the Bible, Jesus talks about being the Good Shepherd … our Good Shepherd. People are actually a lot like sheep. We need a lot of help to survive and thrive. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus wants to give us salvation, protection and abundant life. You will learn more about these important things as you do the Bible lessons, listen to the mission spotlights and complete the challenges you find on this website … a place dedicated to sharing the good news about the Good Shepherd …. the Shepherd’s Place.